services 305 unlimited offers

Ministries and nonprofits can often feel overwhelmed by the grant writing process. We provide a clear path to writing winning proposals so you can get more money and fulfill your vision.

We get you READY to apply and receive grant funding. We take you through a 9 Step Process to get your organization, your team and your systems ready to operate. We are also available to consult with you on managing your grant once you receive funding!


Complete Grant Ready Process - What’s Included?

• 15 Scheduled Zoom Meetings up to 1.5 hours

• Access for 2-3 hours of phone calls, texts, emails each week with your team

• Review of grants for feedback

• Access to documents and forms that can be used and edited

• VIP Service with StartChurch for legal organization set up, if needed

Customized Grant Ready Process

Custom Grant Ready Steps - What’s Included?

• 8 Scheduled Zoom Meetings with you and your team up to 1.5 hours each

• Access for up to 2 hours of phones calls, texts, emails each week with you and your team

• Access to documents and forms that can be used and edited

• VIP Service with StartChurch for legal organization set up, if needed

Grant Ready Starter Package

Let’s Get Started! - What’s Included?

• 4 Scheduled 1-hour Zoom Meetings with you and your team

• Access for up to 1 hour of phones calls, texts, emails each week with you and your team

• Access to documents and forms that can be used and edited

Grant Ready - Research for Organizational Match

We do the research for you! - What’s Included?

• Research for open grant opportunities that align with organizational vision

• A comprehensive list of 5 - 7 viable matched opportunities including application links and due


• A 1-hour video call to review the results

• Delivered within 2 weeks of Initial Consultation or Research Questionnaire submission

Grant Review - a guided process to writing a winning proposal

Have you been matched with a funding opportunity that aligns with your vision? This is for you! - What’s Included?

• Thorough walk through of grant application questions, requirements and attachments

• Ensure vision alignment with program design

• Ongoing review and feedback of your written proposal and budget

• Review of all attachments to ensure complete

• Our expert guidance to writing a winning proposal to get more money and fulfill your vision

Custom Consulting

Consulting with our team in a variety of areas:

• Strategic planning and forecasting

• Budgeting and creative financing

• Creative program design

• Team development and board retreats

• Review of funding opportunities

• Team and Leadership Development